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New member
Status: New idea

I often want to Delete an email without reading it (No Points for guessing why). Right click on its listing used to offer a Delete option. Now I have to highlight and mouse up to the toolbar and select Delete there.

I really really hate that. I cannot imagine any good reason for removing Delete from the drop-down menu. And believe me I've tried. I can however imagine many reasons of varying degrees of badness for doing so, but enumerating them would be tedious.

Kindly bring back the Delete option in the drop-down menu.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

I agree!!

New member

Being an OLD user of Thunderbird and many other Windows based programs. I am used to seeing the word "delete" on a drop down menu, not having to smack my forehead and say to myself "OH, this is Thunderbird." and seeking some icon somewhere within or around the perephery of the drop down menu that will allow me to DELETE the message.

New member

When you right-click on a message from a list in a folder, there is a trashcan icon at the upper right corner of the pop-up menu.

New member

Thanks David C, I never noticed.

Actually, I ignore icons on menus & toolbars, I prefer words. Theme authors tend to make icons follow some style, which reduces visual differences, which is what makes icons useful. On the TB theme I chose, it's not a trash can, it's one of five envelopes, each with a little something or other that's intended to tell you what it's for. You have to look twice or three time to see the differences.

So, I still want that Delete word back on the menu. Or, if icons must be used, make them large, and standardised. Like road signs etc, which have been standardized across the globe to prevent confusion. NB that the composing buttons for this Comment box are the standard ones: the pressure of user experience is pushing UI design towards standards, which IMO is a good thing.