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Making moves
Status: New idea

Why: Energy saving is a huge goal and on some devices a crucial necessity. Hibernating tabs that have not been recently used, seem to be one option that is promessing. But some webpages rely on uninterrupted running and might fail to work if they are frozzen in a state for hibernation and resumed later. A good solution could be, to provide a NEW browser event that is send to a tab/webpage, indicating eminent hibernation/freezing.

The event would provide Callbacks for

  • requesting hibernation delay (within allotment of the browser), providing a method for the tab/webpage to bring its affairs in order.
  • signaling 'ready'.

The request for delay could be presented to the user, allowing the user to add a tab/domain to an exemption list or do $foobar.


  • Webpage that allows content creation locally, but saves data in the cloud. On event signal, it could request a delay, then save the data on local browser storage or even could try to save it to cloud.
  • Terminating connection/stream to server
  • Termination of cloud calculation
  • ...
Status changed to: New idea
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Status changed to: New idea
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