I tried gemini, it works but it should load in a private container, because I don't want to browse internet while I'm logged in into google. So please add option to load the sidebar gemini in a container.
Mozilla, do you want to use AI in firefox?then use AI to enhance existing firefox functionality, for example pocket: it keeps showing me crap stupid articles, that have nothing to do with my interests.so use AI, in a privacy preserving way (data nev...
Ads are tools used to try to manipulate our minds, and persuade us to buy something.PPA let advertisers know with certainty if this kind of manipulation is effective or not (ie if some user sees an ad and then buys the product) and I think it's not e...
I don't like the new UI at all: I have a samsung s23 and its screen is 6.1 inches, so not too big and I'd like to have more space for the web pages, not less.