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Status: Delivered

In the side menu when you click on "Show accounts" you see circles on the left with the two-letter abbreviation of the domain for the accounts. I think, using the first two letters of the domain can cause a lot of confusion for some users if the user has more than one email account for that domain even if their background color is different. For example, I'm seeing OU(Outlook) for 5 different accounts or GM(Gmail) for 3 different accounts.

I think either allowing the user to customize these two letters or adding a toggle button to use the first two letters of the account name* instead of the domain can also solve the problem. This way, the user can use a color for the domain and use the letters to differentiate which email account is in that domain.

For example, the user can use blue color for Outlook, and red color for Gmail and use two letters to differentiate which account it is in that domain.

[*] the account name refers to the setting in Settings > Accounts > {} > General Settings > Account Name. Since it is exactly the same as the user's email address by default anyone who wants to use the first two letters of the first half of the email address can use it by enabling the option I mentioned above, If anyone wants to use a custom two letter can do this by changing the account name.

Strollin' around

@kewischIcons, Gravatar or even a self-chosen image (from the gallery), all are welcome!

In the meantime, thank you for the 9.0b1 that I'm expecting to see any time now.

Strollin' around

@kewischI would also prefer icons (for personal, work, school, etc.) instead of letters. Thank you!

New member

Just installed 9.0b2 and for me taking two letters of the name is much better

ofc i would like to have

- images

- small text below

- customizable letters 3or4

blueMail style looks good to me

New member

@TedT_USAhit the right design notes with those 3-letter rectangles. Looks great!

Status changed to: Delivered
Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

The "initials" issue is resolved as hinted at Account initials now use the display name, not the domain, which means more customization and hopefully less confusion.

Further items such as icons and avatars are being explored.

If you still have a problem, please check here at connect or


Strollin' around

I strongly support the idea of a BlueMail-like presentation using for each account:

  1. an icon which is the logo of the domain of that account (for example Google, Yahoo etc...)
  2. a customizable icon, for example a gallery photo representing the logo of the company (for the Work account) or an avatar associatede with a personal account or an image related to the function of the account like home, medical, shopping etc..
  3. a customizable string/name specific for that account (Work, Home, Medical, Music etc..)

This way one can set whatever (s)he wants to recognize a specific account (domain and/or its function).

Besides it should be possible to associate to each account a specific background or a side-band color, so that one can easily distinguish the source account for each email in the Inbox unified view.
