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Making moves
Status: New idea


The toolbar button size is too small.

Please consider user-adjustable small, medium, and large button sizes for future version builds.

My eyes can take the text how it is, but cannot make out the buttons.


Al K.

NE Ohio

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

Hi, the vertical tabs thing was something I've been waiting for a long time, and in addition to what the user suggested, I think that a more appropriate way for the tab mute icon should be considered. Since the buttons are so small, I've already accidentally muted the tab several times when I want to go back in to see the content. I think that one solution is for the volume icon to appear under the close icon, so that the entire right side of the button is available to switch between tabs. I know that it's not the most aesthetically pleasing, but for this, functionality must prevail.


New member
Hi, I've long awaited vertical tabs. Beyond the user's suggestion, I think the tab mute icon needs rethinking. The small buttons cause accidental muting when I try to view content. Placing the volume icon below the close icon could free the right side for switching tabs. It’s not the prettiest, but functionality should come first. Thanks.