What I really miss very often is an attachment extractor to extract attachments from multiple selected mails.Since the old AttachmentExtractor Add-On is no longer developed I hope there will be a solution for this.
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(async () => { const { MsgHdrToMimeMessage } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/gloda/MimeMessage.jsm"); let getAttachments = async function(MsgHdr, resolve = null) { return new Promise(resolve => { MsgHdrToMimeMessage(MsgHdr, null, (_msgHdr, mimeMsg) => { resolve(mimeMsg.allUserAttachments); }, true, { examineEncryptedParts: true, partsOnDemand: true }) }) } let msgHdrs = gFolderDisplay.selectedMessages; if (msgHdrs.length > 0) { window.setCursor("wait"); let a = {Types: [], Urls: [], Names: [], Uris: []}; for (let msgHdr of msgHdrs) { if (msgHdr.flags & Ci.nsMsgMessageFlags.Attachment) { let allAttachments = await getAttachments(msgHdr); for (let Attachment of allAttachments) { a.Types.push(Attachment.contentType); a.Urls.push(Attachment.url); a.Names.push(encodeURI(Attachment.name)); a.Uris.push(msgHdr.folder.getUriForMsg(msgHdr)); } } } if (a.Urls.length > 0) { try { messenger.saveAllAttachments(a.Types, a.Urls, a.Names, a.Uris); } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } window.setCursor("auto"); } })();