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Strollin' around
Status: In development

If you have several email accounts they are shown in a coloured "icon" with 2 letters which seem to be taken from the mail server name.

For example if the server name is the icon is shown as "GM". If you have 2 Gmail accounts they are both shown as "GM". The only customisation that you can do is to change the colour of the "icon".

It would be nice to either select the two letters displayed or use an account image.


Note that the 3 accounts "GM" are all accounts but the only display difference I can set is the colour. 

New member

would like the option to change icons in the account overview.

As it is now it is (almost?) useless because they are all GM (for Gmail i assume

Besides that it works ok, first impression is good.

See attachment

Regards Peter Ruijgrok

New member

I would like to make the account icons more customized. 

Maybe possibly to add a Photo to identify better. 

It would be great make the position of each account stable not this switching/jumping after selecting. 

I mean that the selected account switched to the top position. 

At the moment the Beta has only two letters each account and this switching/jumping makes not easy.


Status changed to: New idea
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Community Manager
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Strollin' around

Just completed installing Thunderbird on my Pixel 6 and importing my account information from my laptop, which went swimmingly, only to immediatly run into this limitation. I was initially thrilled to have Thunderbird on both my laptop and Pixel having used K-9 Mail for years. I'm now wishing I hadn't been so quick to uninstall K-9 as this oversight is rather annoying.

Also, since TB removes the active accouint from the seleciton list making it more difficult to easily choose the desired account.

New member

An essential feature that is missing. Addbit ASAP, please

New member

Below is an example of the current Android Thunderbird presentation.
Also, shown is the current Android Blue mail presentation.
Candidly, I don’t care if the underlying email account is Yahoo, Gmail, Proton, private server, etc.
But, I do wish to click on an email account directly.
Thus, it would be useful to display a user supplied two three character identity.
Add one more field to the basic account data, wherein the user can input two or three characters to more easily identify one account vs. another.
For various reasons, essentially segmentation of various “classes” of emails. I have multiple accounts. A two or three character identifier would really assist me or anyone to move directly to a target account. Showing my email accounts with a two of three character acronym identifier is far better than multiple accounts displaying YA or GM with only a color to remind server, but NOT which email account.
My email accounts and my identifying characters if the Thunderbird team would accept and implement the foregoing.
FAM Family
FRN Friends
VET Veteran
PUR Purchases
MED Medical
NWS Newsletters
MST Master
MUS Music
WFE Wife
EVE E02 account mod for input.jpg03 BlueMail.jpg011 current and proposed.jpgVENTS

New member

Agreed. Things should not go backwards from K9, especially after it was said K9 would continue to be supported. This is one of those "minor" things that gives Mozilla's primary user base a bad feeling in their gut.


Please see also

I'm leaving this one separate since it is more about icons than the letters, but we're working on it 🙂

Status changed to: In development
Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

Good news all around => In Development

New member

Glad it's in development. I really need this - having 10 different icons which all say "JJ" is... problematic.

Since we're talking design as well: I much prefer the rectangle + 3 letter example above. Much more effective use of space than the dots. Much easier to see them as separate items.

The bolder font  is helpful as well, though not nearly as big an improvement as making 3-letter rectangles.

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team
Strollin' around

I like this suggestion.  I would like to be able to set an image for the account icons with the option to set a description below it personally.  This would be very helpful for those of us with many accounts.