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New member
Status: New idea

Tags are obviously helpful in Thunderbird for organizing, but changing the color of the text is by far not the best option, as some colors make the text difficult to read.

Changing tags to use a Highlighter-style, where the text itself remains black, but the background color is changed, is far, far more effective and user-friendly.

And, seems like an easy change to make.

Win, win, win.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

Trotzdem wäre ich dafür, dass man beide Farben einstellen können sollte. Hintergrund- und Schriftfarbe.

Nevertheless, I would be in favor of being able to set both colors. Background and font color.

New member

Came looking for this after frustrating experience trying to set Tag colours where the font is still readable!
The ability to keep a black font by default (or set both) would be a blessing! Getting discouraged from using tags at present because they make the inbox so hard to read!!
Additionally/alternatively: In Outlook the tags are shown by small vertical strips of colour. This allows several tags to be set and viewed, so is an improvement over the current method which can only shows the highest. (The 'Tag' column showing the full Tag name is pretty useless unless you set the width massive or use 1 character tag 'names'!)
These changes would make Tags much more powerful.