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New member
Status: In development

i have switched from chrome since past 1 month and firefox is just better. the only thing i did not find easy is the option for having multiple profiles to be used at ease, could be better if there was one to easily access seperate profiles for work and home

New member

Sure! Yes absolutely. Thank you for your support!

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Strollin' around

@jhirschPlease overhaul how "open link in browser" works as well with this profiles update. I dislike that it just opens in whatever profile you most recently used profile switcher to open. I very much liked chromes implementation where it opens in the last profile used.


Ex: I use profiles A, B, and C. I usually use A which I open first, then open either B or C depending on which I end up needing first. Most of the time I want links yo open in A but occasonally I want them to open in B, hardly ever do I want to open them in C but half the time they do as that was the most recent to open.


Also, I really hope that we will get to have PFPs show up in the taskbar to show which profile is open and allow for pinning of that specific profile. Then when I have 2 profiles open in 1 desktop/kde_activity I can know which windows are what profile; or when I restart the PC, I can open the profile I want directly in each individual activity.

Making moves

Great news! Please make it easy to share or move things between my profiles.

Making moves


Personally, I really dislike chrome's behavior where links open in the last used profile. I often have both profiles open at the same time, and I find the behavior really unpredictable because when I click a link I never know what profile it's going to open in.

On my work laptop, I want all external links to open in my Work profile (because the only external links I click on are work related).

On my personal laptop, I want all external links to open in my Personal profile (except for certain work-related domains).

I think the Edge browser has the best approach here. You can configure it to use the last used profile like Chrome does. Or, you can configure the settings so that all external links open in a certain profile (and can also configure certain domains to automatically open in certain profiles).

Making moves

This will only become more important to add as people (like myself) ditch Chrome for Firefox before they restrict ad blockers. Would love to see this feature.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@em843 good news, we're working on this feature now. We'll share updates in this thread - stay tuned 😃

New member

Desperately want this to seperate work & personal browsing. All `about:profile` needs a easy to access UI & a keyboard shortcut (The shortcut for Chrome is a nightmare `Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + M`)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Not sure if you all have seen this yet...the Firefox team added a post 'Here's what we're working on in Firefox' here on Connect about some of the exciting features currently in development & on the way — and profile management was mentioned!

Jumping in here to say thanks again for voting and sharing valuable insights for this feature. It really did play a big role in pushing the work forward 🙌

Strollin' around

@Jon Thank you much for looking into our requests. This is exactly what we need. As a web developer, Firefox is much preferred over Chromium based browsers. I can't wait to switch.

New member

On MacOS, this feature should be integrated with Focus Filters so the profile automatically switches based on the current focus mode.

Making moves

I'm really glad to hear that you are working on this! 🙂

To add my two cents, just like @Reru01 and @bwat47 mentioned, please overhaul how links clicked outside of Firefox are opened in a profile. Obviously there are people that prefer links to only open in the default profile and there are people like me that prefer links to open in the last active profile / window. This feature request has also been mentioned here. The behavior should be configurable.

While I used Chrome I became accustomed to this behavior (opening in last active profile) and never really opened links in the wrong profile. But now with Firefox when I want to open links in the other, non-default profile, I always have to copy and paste them manually.

Thank you very much!

Making moves

An idea that just came to my mind:

When you improve multiple profiles, it would also be nice if you could improve the displayed application icon when switching between multiple applications (on macOS with ⌘+Tab). For example the Firefox icon could also show a small profile icon so it's clear to which profile we're switching.

New member

It's great to hear that this is on the works! I'm posting here to add my 2 cts and to also vote for this feature, I think containers are great but sometimes they fall short because you want to have a bunch of tabs and logins for one "context" and another bunch for another context (work and home contexts for example)

This will be a huge productivity boost when it launches.

Does anyone know an estimated time of arrival? I'm excited for this.

I also think that different profiles should be colored/labeled somehow to differentiate them, as previously mentioned by others.


New member

Firefox Profiles is basically useless and 10 years behind Chrome/Chromium - Please copy

Don't take this the wrong way tonally, was pulled from a feedback report i lodged after trying to switch from Chrome, but thought worth posting here so at least some firefox people may see the annoyances others have.


I just uninstalled firefox for personal use at home (Still use it for work).

I tried to change now given chromium is about to be neutered with ad blockers etc.

This was my feedback - Extremely disappointed and non-functional profile option/s. Wanted to provide feedback that hopefully someone sees, as there is going to be a mass migration to FF soon and if they do NOT fix the below, people will give up fast.

There is no basic multi profile support like in edge, chrome etc. which is shocking.

about:profiles is completely useless, because once you sign in with the same firefox account again, it just syncs to the same profile.

Firefox MUST have multiple profile support under 1 login, not combine them. The thought of having to sign up a completely separate second account/email for a second Firefox 'account' with a second 'mfa' token just to separate personal and work is ludicrous.

I want to sign in, pick my profile as personal / work and then it syncs my diff favourites, plugins etc. per profile for work or personal depending where I am, NOT SHARE them all on 1 login. This is not possible and a huge disappointment considering these features are considered basic in other browsers."

Until firefox does this, it is unusable for multi work/private profiles and signing up a second Firefox account is just silly.
