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Status: New idea

Sidebar size not saved after browser restart (Firefox 130.0.1 )

If you set the desired sidebar size and close the sidebar and restart the browser, the sidebar size is not saved, but reset to the default narrow one.
If you do not close the sidebar and restart the browser, the panel size is saved.
This needs to be fixed because it is annoying to adjust the sidebar size after each browser launch.

Status changed to: New idea
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Strollin' around

I have also noticed this as well. Relatedly, not the panel with the content, but the part where buttons and vertical tabs live also has its size reset on restarts. My usual setup is to have a different extension (Sidebery) open on the sidebar to manage the tabs, so I love being able to hide the original tabs altogether. Please keep the ability to resize it to zero, and remember the size on restarts.

Thank you, Mozilla ❤️