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Strollin' around
Status: In development

It'd be helpful to have a new tab button next to the address bar on mobile for easy access.

Currently, opening a new tab requires two clicks - one to open the tab window, and another on the "+" button to open the new tab. This also requires interaction with two different parts of the screen that are far apart from each other (top right vs bottom right), which is hard to do one-handed or in a hurry, especially on larger phones.


I'm a heavy tab user, and the option to have a "+" button directly next to the address bar would make it easier to open a new tab quickly.

Strollin' around

This is the one thing that's preventing me from switching on mobile.

New member

2 years and its still 2 clicks to open a new tab ! About time this was sorted no wonder people are deserting FF in droves. The Android version is going backwards in terms of customising, following the example set by the desktop version which took a giant leap backwards 5/6 years ago and still hasn't recovered to where it once was, way to kill what was the best browser.

You only have to look at FF's current market share to see the effect of the last few years of "improvements" from 20% to 2% even edge has a bigger share,  such a shame 😔

New member

Also in favor of this addition. It's the only reason I still use another browser app on my phone. Everytime I use the browser I need to search something or use something quickly, on the go, two presses is too much for that.


Hi Connect! I want to share some updates. We are updating the Android Navigation and adding the new tab button. More info here -> Android Navigation. This change is coming to iOS later on too. Stay tuned!

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Good news...

This is currently 'In development' — check out @andyf's recent comment in the thread for more details and stay tuned for updates 🙌

New member

A simple but useful quality of life feature. It's always good to save a few clicks.