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Making moves
Status: New idea

I prefer using the Firefox PDF viewer over the other browsers (Edge wants to spend a minute or more communicating with home base before even displaying the document) and particularly over Adobe's viewer for obvious current reasons. One lack in the Firefox viewer is bookmarks, or at least save in place. When closing a PDF using the others mentioned, the place is saved and opens up automatically there, which is tirelessly convenient when dealing with books and other large documents. Firefox always opens at the beginning of the document. I request that at the very least the saving of the last view be implemented if not user bookmarks. Also saving page zoom would be nice. I usually prefer page width preference, which is not saved currently either. Thanks for your time.

Status changed to: New idea
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It is not ideal, but currently you can have kind of a bookmark by going to the extra menu (top right of the PDF toolbar), press on "Current view". You'll see the URL of the page will change to mention the current place and current zoom, and if you reopen that URL it will automatically move you to the right place at the right zoom.

Making moves

Marco, thanks for the tip, but I am talking about PDF files opened from local storage, not PDFs in distant web pages. I am not viewing them as embedded documents, but just as documents in my computer. There is no location or zoom information stored with the PDF on closure, as there is with Adobe viewer or another browser like Edge. However the data for user history is stored with the document, and I would assume it is stored with the PDF's meta info, Firefox should be able to perform that same duty as the other applications.


@gridsleep it works for local files too, but only if you keep the tab open and restore tabs when Firefox restarts.

Anyway, it's only a workaround, we agree the situation is not ideal and we will work on improving it.

Making moves

I see. Thanks, Marco. I don't restore tabs unless I have to quit the browser in the middle of something. I don't intend to make a habit of it just to read PDFs. Thanks for relaying the suggestion. Looking forward to the result.