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New member
Status: New idea

As the PDF Page Scrolling feature stands, the only way to scroll through the pages is with the arrow keys. Please enable the mouse to scroll through the pages in this mode. This is also an accessibility issue.

Also Horizontal Scrolling should scroll with mouse wheel up and down as well.

Status changed to: New idea
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Hello @Nicolii, what is your use case for the "Page Scrolling" mode? I think by design it is trying to reduce the risk of accidentally moving to another page. I wonder if "Presentation mode" is what you actually want (where you can scroll through pages using either the keyboard or the mouse wheel).

Regarding "Horizontal scrolling", you can scroll the content in each page through the mouse wheel up and down, and you can move to other pages by moving left and right with a touchpad (or a wheel, if you have one that moves horizontally too). This is also on purpose, as the name says it is meant for scrolling in a horizontal fashion.

New member

Jumping in @marco, for things like instruction manuals or game manuals, where the contents of one page are often self-contained and don't flow into the next, gradual scrolling can be more distracting than it is helpful. While Presentation Mode does allow for this workflow, it also forces a full-screen mode, which could be tricky for something you're just occasionally referencing. Personally, I play a lot of TTRPGs, and typically I'm just flitting around pages to reference what I need and nothing else, so the responsiveness of other PDF viewers is what I've grown used to.

New member

Hi @marco, I think the main use case is for things like manuals, where one page doesn't necessarily have a logical connection to the next. In those cases, gradual between-page scrolling is more of a hindrance than a help. I know in my typical use case, which is TTRPG manuals, I'll be flitting between whole pages rather than scanning them individually, which is a lot easier in other PDF viewers that do exhibit this behavior. Presentation Mode is close, but the full-screen requirement makes it a bit clunkier.

New member

I'd love to have this feature! Scrolling in vertical mode requires many more scroll inputs to browse through a document, whereas in Evince for example, I can go to the next page with one scroll notch. And as @smokedsalmon already stated, I often don't want to be in between pages, but rather always have a whole page on screen without having to enter full screen mode.

New member

Literally here to drop a +1 because I thought this was a bug and not the intended function. I guess I've been conditioned by other PDF viewers, but I prefer the minimalism of the Firefox viewer and this is really the only thing that is keeping me from using it regularly, other than the lack of certain annotation features.

New member

True story! This should be implemented. Why wasting time with scrolling forever?