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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

One of the most useful features (IMHO) of any PDF editor is the ability to delete and insert pages from a PDF document.  The page export feature (leaving original document unchanged) is also very useful, but one can get by with copying the original document and then deleting all unwanted pages to finally leave the "exported" selection.

I know there are web-sites offering such editing features, but I am unwilling to upload personal or sensitive documents to a third party site to achieve such a simple task.  The current Adobe route to providing this simple task is a monthly fee which is unjustified.

I recognise that some PDF document structures will probably not permit such an operation, but when it is possible, I am sure that this tool would be very popular.

I have looked in the New Idea section for a mention of this type of tool, and failed to find it.  If it's already been suggested, then please accept my apologies.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.


This would be a really useful feature, and it is in our roadmap! Not sure yet when we'll be able to start working on it though.

Strollin' around

@marcoIs there anything we can do to encourage this New Idea higher up the priority list, apart from giving it kudos.  Of course it's actually a very old idea in reality, it's only become new here because Mozilla has suddenly implemented a PDF editor.


@tofflock giving it kudos and bringing other people who are interested in the feature to give it kudos are definitely good ways.

Another way is to help us find additional proof that this is a widely requested feature.

New member

I am currently studying at a university, thus I constantly have to add text and notes to PDF documents. Often, I have to solve some calculations on the document where space might be rare. This it would be incredibly valuable to have the option to add blank Pages in between.

New member

Gonna have to bump this. Exactly what OP said, so many third-parties and subscription-based services/software that force you to pay (whether through monetary value or personal data) for such a simple feature.

New member

Its criminal that this hasn't been added yet


@Sarin  that's maybe too much, but we hear you 🙂