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Status: New idea

I love pull to refresh. But sometimes I'm:

Writing a long piece of text on a poorly configured website and I scroll up a bit too much, or I scratch my back with my left hand and somehow flick down with my right thumb and lose the text! I know these normally ask you "did ya **bleep** up there buddy?", but let's b be real, the site you mess up on is never that one...

Srolling and scrolling up only to hit the the wall at 120mph, and things are no longer the same in the afterlife as everything has changed positions and posts have been edited...

Sometimes I just want to make the URL bar visible, but I'm right at the edge so need to go slow, else I'll be looking at white, while the page reloads of course.

I could disable it of course. But the refresh icon is all the way over the other side of the screen, and I have a big 6.3" screen I run at 100% scaling so I have to move my hand. Even at normal scaling it's too far away. And going to "...->Refresh" is slow, requiring two awkward precision clicks.

The beauty of pulling is it's a more natural movement. It doesn't have to be precise. Just move to the top part of the screen, pull down, and release.

I know a confirmation box goes against some of what I said. But the differences are: it's in the central region where precise thumb control is easy - ... is at the rotational limit and the vertical limit on big phones - refresh icon requires hand movement. A confirmation box requires no hand movement, and requires 0-15 degree max rotation and the button can be reached by just bending the end of your thumb.


But another option is you have to perform the action three times in a row? The first time the refresh icon turns to a three as it gets to the top of the screen. The second it's a 2. The third it's a 1 and the page refreshed!

This method is cleaner, but not as clear for newcomers.

Would appreciate an about variable at the very least - well so long as you stop babysitting us and just let us have about:config at the very least on normal FF. I know I don't have the right to make any demands and am thankful to the Mozilla developers.

If I were to add this feature myself, would it be accepted? I'm sure I could do it - I'm 1000x more intimidated by setting up a Firefox development environment on Linux than I am adding the feature. At least accepted as a variable on Nightly about:config (personally I think restricting about config to Nightly is babying users and moving more and more to the walled garden ideals - that the devs know best and you need to jump through hoops to get around them).

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Status changed to: New idea
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