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Making moves
Status: New idea

In Firefox Android, I often have multiple tabs open. When I scroll up and down to navigate through the tabs, I sometimes accidentally close a tab. Probably because I was swiping diagonally up. I have a few seconds to click the undo button that pops up.

I've never intentionally used this gesture since I click the x button to close a tab.

Please add an option to disable the side swipe gesture.

Status changed to: New idea
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Community Manager

Potentially similar idea here: Option to disable side swipe gesture to close a tab 

Making moves

@Jon It's the same as my idea. You should merge it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Strollin' around

I'm sure the kids (under 40 😉 ) love this gesture stuff but I'm far too old for it myself.  Is there any way to downgrade to an previous version of Android Firefox? If the answer is yes, does anyone know the last version that didn't have this "feature"? Thanks.

New member

Please let me disable this, this is a horrible accessibility issue. I'm disabled and my hands don't quite move where I tell them to, and if I'm scrolling down my tabs one will get closed about every two seconds. I'm too slow to hit the undo option because it goes away so fast so I have to go manually reopen every closed tab using history. I don't think I need to explain why this is awful.

Making moves

Yup, this. I keep on closing things accidentally. Let us turn it off.

New member

Swipe it to oblivion please

New member

I see I'm in good company.  Another new registrant after many years of enjoyable FF mobile use to make this request - please, please allow the 'swipe to close' to be toggled off, or even better, default to 'off' with the option to enable.  EVERY TIME I use FF with my android phone at least one tab is closed in error - and this on a relatively short list of open tabs and non-aggressive scrolling.   Thanks!

New member

Weighing in to agree—this is a huge issue for me (a non-disabled person with decent motor skills) and happens just about every time I try to scroll through my tab list. This is both a usability issue and an accessibility issue—I hope it can be prioritized!

New member

At least change the default priority from "any horizontal movement = swipe" to "any vertical movement = scroll". There is an alternative way to remove tabs but there is literally no other way to scroll tabs and forcing users to risk mis-inputs on an extremely common action is flawed.

New member

Yes please, we need this asap.

New member

Same issue here... it's so annoying! Didn't used to be an issue but now its too bloody sensitive.

Ever since I disabled the auto archiving it's been giving me grief... I really need a way to disable this, I don't even use it.

I have only ever accidentally swiped and didn't have time to press undo because the timer on that is too **bleep** short as well.

New member

For whatever reason I feel like this has become even more of an issue over the past month or two. It happening one too many times had me searching for a solution and making an account to comment.

As an accessibility feature I'm fine with the gesture control remaining on by default, but I really need an option to disable it.

And in general I strongly believe the gesture should be reprogrammed to more strongly bias the interpretation of swipe gestures toward scrolling and away from closing. Getting a gesture wrong and scrolling when you want to close a tab is far, far preferable to closing a tab when you want to scroll.

While I'm at it, I'd also like to see an option for the "undo" dialog to remain active for longer. It's barely there long enough if you've anticipated your error and are ready to tap the button, to say nothing of when you need a moment to comprehend that you've made a mistake never mind process what to do about it (very likely the case), or if you have slow reflexes or fine motor control issues that make tapping the button in time a physical nigh-impossibility.

New member

Mozilla you must add this option. I inadvertently close tabs every. Single. Day. Because of this stupid gesture control.