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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

Waiting for this to switch from chrome

New member

Waiting for this to switch back from chrome 🤞

New member

Original Opera 11 and 12 had tab stacking feature and it worked perfectly. Wish Firefox team implemented this feature. I will improve so many lives of Firefox users!

New member

I'm actually hoping for tab stacking more so than tab groups. The groups are great for when you go to the exact same pages every X time units, but tab stacking is amazing for when you're calling and opening a lot of extra pages on parent pages, and you are working your way through all of these.

New member

Switching back to Brave. Two main reasons

1) Privacy-Preserving Attribution (this is a bummer)

2) Taking way too long to implement basic features like tab grouping

Strollin' around

Also waiting for this feature to be implemented ...

Strollin' around

At the beginning of thread someone mentioned old Panorama implementation.
I think that was an advanced and great idea with an improper UX.
Making this things all visual and flourished is harder to maintain for developers and time-consuming for users.
Tab Groups is a necessary tool, but it must be done directly on the normal browser view and just selecting tabs and right-click: "group selected tabs" (or something like that), also, manually, just drag-n-dropping tabs over tabs. No more than that (besides putting a name on the group, I guess).
The Panorama idea was more like an eye-candied Bookmarks, without the clear order of Bookmarks (tree-folder like lists, very economical in terms of screen space).

New member

ONE HUNDRED percent agree with needing to be able to name tab groups. (including using unicode emoji in the names - anything you can type). I HATE tab groups in Opera because you can't name them, so when you collapse them, it's all just a bunch of miniature tabs with different colors, meaning you need to actively remember which color each group has.

New member

Tab Groups like Chrome Tab Groups and Edge Tab Groups.

I know I have seen several people asking for this over the years and now I am too. PLEASE ADD THE TAB GROUP FUNCTIONALITY like Chrome and Edge. It is more useful then you could know!!

- Simple tab groups extension is trash and nothing comparable to the native grouping found on Chrome and Edge. #tabgroups

Strollin' around

tbh, Panorama is trash.

New member

i would like to have the possibility to create groups on the taskbar.
for example, if you drag one open tab onto another, they should become a group.
I could not find a plugin/addon for this.
what is your opinion?
I think Chrome has such a function, but I definitely want to stick with Firefox.


New member

im also waiting for this feature.

tab groups and tab stacking pls 😃

New member

Put Tab Groups in Firefox

Yeah I’m a long time Firefox user since around 2008 and I use it and across all my devices. I have tons of tabs open in my browser (264 tabs) because usually, I don’t get a lot of time in the day. If there were tab groups i believe I could assort and navigate through them a lot quicker.

New member

This is currently the main/only blocker for me switching back and away from Chrome.

Given that it's the number 1 requested feature, I guess that there's no need to elaborate why Firefox needs this.

New member

We want tab groups!