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Making moves
Status: New idea

The problem is already known: Mozilla VPN is available only for Ubuntu based distros.

A possible solution, offered here, was to release a Flatpak client. I think there are other, maybe better, possible solutions:

  • Whether Mozilla VPN is based on Mullvad VPN, Mozilla could fork their rpm client
  • Mozilla could provide configuration files, letting users use other WireGuard clients
  • Replace WireGuard protocol with OpenVPN protocol, which seems to be more supported

All these solutions, if I'm not wrong, are offered on the Mullvad website

Status changed to: New idea
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Strollin' around

Due to the way that flatpak works, providing a VPN service through it is iffy at best.

However, I fully agree that config files should be supplied, whether it be for WireGuard or OpenVPN. But then there's the issue of the device limit, which is enforced by the app, and how that'll be dealt with, because once you have the config files, nothings stopping you from copying them to another device.

New member

Flatpak seems tocbe most wise option. It is direction where every app should go.

For me possibility to import wireguard or ovpn config directly into network manager is also a option. Probably it is less work than preparing flatpak.

Issue @thememelord125 you mentioned with device lomit is not a problem imo because it is server who count active devices not client. Say if i am wrong. Connecting manually to vpn you provide key and pass to authenticate.

I tried for short time to install mozillavpn on steam deck. /usr directory is ro and it make no sense to install anything there. Probably i could compile it by myself and try to put in some persistent place but i think it can be easier.

So Mozilla. Look what is Valve doing and try to fit in it. It is not like they invented new things and rest of the world have to run after them. Just regular linux stuffs and i think with low effort you can provide some option to use.

New member

for most mainstream usage Flatpak, Snap and AppImage would be best option, but wireguard is a good alternative.

Having Distro specific pkg is becoming old school anyways, especially as many Distros are moving to Immutable

Making moves

I would prefer a native application like for such as the Debian repo. AppImage is second choice.