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New member
Status: Trending idea

On Firefox Android, I've noticed problems on download management:

1. The Downloads page does not display the progress/status of ongoing downloads. It only displays completed downloads.
2. The download progress only displays in the system notification. If the download fails and cleared that notification (either intentional or by accident), the download will be removed/cancelled.

Here's my idea:
Add more information in the Downloads page (much like in Chrome and Edge):
- progress/status of ongoing downloads
- pause/unpause and cancel options
- progress bar or otherwise
- download speed and size downloaded over download file size

Comparison of downloads page of Chrome, Edge and Firefox:

Notice the download notification icon on the top of each browser.Notice the download notification icon on the top of each browser.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Strollin' around
  • So @Jon any updates is it on roadmap and coming soon?
New member

This is a sorry state of affairs.

Mozilla has been aware of this glaring issue for over a year and still don't do anything about it. No updates , No fixes , No NOTHING.

No wonder Mozilla's market share has tanked so bad. They very well deserve it.

New member

I agree, the current download manager in Firefox for Android is pretty bare bones, to say the least...

New member

well, i want to support this idea because the main roblem im having besides not knowing most of the info, the notification that actually shows some info, can be discarded, wich means if i accidentally (or not so accidentally) discard that notificacion then i have no way of knowing if the file is even downloading or not. This idea shouldnt be "reviewed", it should've approved immediatly, but im no boss to say nothing.

New member

Agreed. I switched to Firefox a couple weeks ago. As a long time chrome user that's the only feature I miss from chrome. They should definitely add it.

New member

Same man I am downloading large file but can't see its progress in my downloads, it always on risk what is I accidentally press cancel while scrolling 😭

New member

Improve Download Section

Your Firefox Android app has no option to see or manage any downloading file where we can pause, restart, cancel etc the downloading file. There is only option to see the downloaded files. My suggestion would be to add a downloading section too where we can manage the downloading file by pausing, restarting, cancelling them and there can be option to be added.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

2 years and still no download progress for Android?

New member

I know this is old but seriously why isn't this a thing limiting in progress to notifications is dumb.

Strollin' around

Firefox doesn't show downloads in the downloads tab on android, this is the most annoying for me as a former chrome user. I don't know why they won't fix.

New member

I found a way to at least see the percentage progress of a download in the notifications at the top. Go to the settings, select notifications, do not disturb, then apps, add apps, Firefox, then select the downloads. It only shows the percentage and complete but at least you can tell if it’s downloading or not.