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Making moves
Status: New idea

If I want to search broadly for a term on some text in a page or pdf (and maybe it's spelt differently), I wouldn't get a match. Vector search would show results from a search for 'plant' to include 'flower' or 'vegetation'. Or if I want to search for some type of 'animal' but don't know which animals are included, a vector search would return the animals that are semantically related in terms of their dictionary definition.

Vector search would make searching for text extremely useful. Currently, no browser has such functionality implemented. Firefox could be ahead of the pack with this. Of course, this would be an alternative to the existing search functionality.

A browser like Firefox needs to be more useful than conventional browsers and this would contribute to that. This would make machine learning "AI" functionally useful to a user (considerably more than just LLM integration), since searching for text in a browser is a very common activity.

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