en: Or, are you talking about getting FireFox mobile to support the mouse button to go to the next page when pressed? I tried it on a Samsung's tablet (Android 13), and both Chrome and Samsung's browsers can go to the next page using the next page button on the mouse and the shortcut "Alt+→", but FireFox can't.
zh-tw: 還是說,你指的是讓 FireFox mobile 支援滑鼠上那顆按下後可以前進下一頁的按鈕?我用三星的平板電腦(Android 13)測試過了,Chrome 和三星的瀏覽器都能用滑鼠上的下一頁按鈕及快捷鍵「Alt+→」前往下一頁,唯獨 FireFox 無法。