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New member
Status: New idea

Nowadays, photographs have size comparable to e-mail attachment size limit and generally it makes no sense to send 10MB photos in most cases. It is very clumsy to resize images outside the application if one needs to attach them to an e-mail. Please provide the feature of image resizing within Thunderbird for Android self, just like BlueMail does.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

I strongly support this feature request.

But it's a very old issue. There has even been an implementation -in 2012!- which for some unknown reason didn't make it into K9 (now Thunderbird).

Please, please implement it now to make Thunderbird more usable for normal users. Using another app for resizing before sending mails is to awkward for non-experts.


New member

Just adopted Thunderbird Mobile. (previous MailDroid user) Long term user of Thunderbird on pc where Image Resize within an email is a standard feature. Really irritating to have to use a separate app to do the same thing on Android.