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Making moves
Status: New idea

With Firefox Relay doing email and (soon) doing phone numbers, I think the logical next step for a completely relayed private account creation online is Virtual Credit Cards which are pretty common in the US but pretty hard/impossible to get anywhere else in the world.

Having this complete solution is nice but I'll add that I think email/phone number/virtual cards should idealy be purchasable independently because not everyone needs everything at once.

Status changed to: New idea
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Hi @brochard Thank you so much for sharing the idea, and emphasizing the availability needs outside the US. As this is something we're looking into, could you share some more info on when you would use a virtual credit card vs. your main credit card?

Making moves

@Tony-CinottoHere's the main use cases I see :
- Have monthly spending limits that prevent websites from getting more than what I authorise to.
- Spending limits also prevents damages in case the website is fraudulent or if my informations leaks.
- Use it on sketchy sites like sites asking for one time 0 fee payment to confirm.
- Easily track your spending and from which websites they come from.
- Easily cancel subscriptions just by deleting the virtual credit card.
- One time purchases, just make one payment and delete the card to prevent any leaks.
- And obviously for more privacy by not having a single identificating information used on multiple websites.

Making moves

I would love that and happily pay for this service


@brochardamazing!!! Thank you for taking the time to share these detailed use cases. When we build our products we want to make sure they're serving your needs! We'll keep you updated in the future when we explore this further!

Making moves

I just thought about an other goal you could have (I think it might be more complicated but actually useful)

Make virtual credit cards for contactless nfc payments on phones, this way you hide your informations to the seller and you hide from where you're buying to your banks, basically a bank vpn.

With cash being less and less used we're giving away more and more data about our activity but the conveniance of contactless payments is incontestable so we must offer private ways to use them.

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