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Status: New idea

Dear Firefox Team,

I’d like to suggest a small but useful feature that could improve the user experience when uploading files in Firefox. Currently, when we upload files in multiple tabs, there’s no visual indicator on the tab itself to show upload progress. This requires users to manually switch between tabs to check the status, which can be time-consuming and inefficient.

A potential solution would be to introduce an animated upload icon on the tab—similar to the download progress indicator. For example, a small upward-moving arrow or a progress circle could appear next to the tab’s close button, showing the upload status. Once the upload is complete, the icon could change to indicate success.

This feature would help users track file uploads at a glance, without needing to navigate between tabs, ultimately saving time and improving workflow.

I appreciate your consideration and hope this could be implemented in a future update.

Best regards,
Zain Usmani

Status changed to: New idea
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