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Making moves
Status: New idea

If Firefox can bring a clipboard sync or the ability to send copied text across other devices with firefox similar to the ability to send tabs it will be a game changer.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Hi! Sending text snippets/web page highlights across devices is something we've been considering for this year's backlog. Unfortunately, we can't promise anything yet, but we'll keep you updated!

New member

It would be so helpful. Came here, searching for same.

New member

That would be awesome. For everyone! People who do not own all the devices from same tech companies like Apple, can have cross platform functionality while eliminating the "iCloud sync" sort of dependency for basic copy/paste tasks. This would also put Firefox a notch above than rest of the other browsers. I too landed on this page while searching for some extension which can allow this. Glad to provide my suggestions over here. Thanks all the best to the Mozilla community.