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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

In RFC 7986 iCalendar Property Extensions October 2016 a new COLOR property was defined. Currently, the event color in "VEVENT" is nor used as background color of the event.

Although it is only a MAY, it would be nice to have the events displayed in their event color.


5.9.  COLOR Property

   Property Name:  COLOR

   Purpose:  This property specifies a color used for displaying the
      calendar, event, todo, or journal data.

   Value Type:  TEXT

   Property Parameters:  IANA and non-standard property parameters can
      be specified on this property.

   Conformance:  This property can be specified once in an iCalendar
      object or in "VEVENT", "VTODO", or "VJOURNAL" calendar components.

   Description:  This property specifies a color that clients MAY use
      when presenting the relevant data to a user.  Typically, this
      would appear as the "background" color of events or tasks.  The
      value is a case-insensitive color name taken from the CSS3 set of
      names, defined in Section 4.3 of [W3C.REC-css3-color-20110607].

   Format Definition:  This property is defined by the following

   color          = "COLOR" colorparam ":" text CRLF
                     ; Value is CSS3 color name

   colorparam     = *(";" other-param)

   Example:  The following is an example of this property:

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Status changed to: New idea
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