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Strollin' around
Status: In review

I love extensions like Dark Reader that automatically transform any website with a dark theme. The way they do this is by injecting many new styles into the DOM, it works but there is two main drawbacks to this method :
- there's a latency that makes contents blink
- it reduces performances on some websites by a lot

So It would be great if there could be a built-in low level solution (directly in web render?) that would swap colors on the fly without editing the page styles and thus would solve the two aforementioned issues.

New member

I'd really like to see this feature as well. It's unfortunate that Dark Reader can't convert PDFs to dark mode on Firefox but works fine on Chrome, so it'd be great if this was available natively.

New member

What does this mean? This major update also ushers an exciting user interface change in the form of the "new extensions button".

Making moves

Insert dark mode directly in Firefox

In my opinion is, nowadays, a basic and important function and I noticed that with an add-on the browser slows down, for other type of use the add on mechanism is OK, but for dark sites it seems not the best idea. Is it possible to complete the functionality by inserting an option directly in Firefox? Thanks. Alex

Making moves

@Jonis there a update about this post review?

New member

This needs to be a thing, I really don’t like having my eyes hurt. Like I can physically feel my eyes bulging in my head when looking at a blinding white webpage, it hurts! 

also, please do NOT allow websites to circumvent this! Let me manually turn it off when I want to instead. Otherwise I will outright refuse to visit certain websites that will prevent auto dark mode.

Making moves
Agree. Dark Mode addons all have garbage performance, and that's a big no, a built-in Dark Mode is super needed.
Making moves

Make this for firefox desktop, mobile and very important firefox focus.

Strollin' around

One additional drawback of dark reader: it is not compatible with conversations in Thunderbird.

So I would strongly vote for native support of dark mode in both Thunderbird and Firefox.

New member


Please ADD FORCE DARK MODE on browser for web sites like it does Opera browser !!!!

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Making moves

If mozilla is gonna do this. How do they need to make this? Look at every website or force rewrite css style?

New member

It would be a good improvement if Firefox had a dark mode. There are many people who use their PCs and smartphones in the dark and the white light is often so strong that it is eerie. Another interesting option is the nightlight mode, which turns the pages to sepia.

New member

Hello, I'm here to support this request. It would be really useful and appreciated x

Strollin' around

I don't think this is a good idea. Websides have the ability to detect Firefox and other browsers is in light or dark theme. They should provide themes by themselves. Make a built-in dark reader alternative also break the rules. More and more websites such as GitHub provide auto dark themes with more than one style, a built-in dark mode makes this style-change compatibility may need a wide white list for specific websites, and this is bad.

Strollin' around

I really like how Samsung Internet Browser handles dark mode out-of-the-box. It would be nice to see such feature implemented by Firefox.