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Making moves
Status: New idea

few years ago I was into tab management, I would keep my tab groups on a JSON file on Git, so I could easily fetch them and load it into Min Browser. There was like 100+ tabs with about 6 tasks (tab groups are called a task in Min). The end result was that if I wanted to go on a specific tab I knew where it would be so there was like 0 chances to have a duplicate tab.

But then I found an option on Firefox Android that would auto close tabs. This changed my thinking, because it was so easy: I would go to my Android and have just an url bar where I type text versus tab groups with 100+ tabs on Desktop. So I decided to do the same on Desktop and installed Firefox.

I open lots of tabs, if I want them to persist then I just pin them. So just like in Android, add an option to close tabs that have not been accessed in some period of time. Also increase minimum tab width so having more than 20 tabs, wont make it hard to read their titles.

Currently I right click on pinned tabs and choose "Close other tabs". which is not that great...

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

good idea! 

Not applicable
Making moves

Those extensions look promising, but it won't work for everyone.


For example at work people take security more seriously, so how can one know that these addons are safe? Or will stay safe in future too?


Not applicable

1. addons get screened by mozilla , on first upload manually and later via an automatic scan.

2. the AMO community and devs are pretty good and quick at finding and reporting/kicking malicious addons, so if an addon is not brand new and has at least some active  users generally that addon will at least not steal your soul. But if that is not enough for you are, i'd generlly recommend to make a post on r/Firefox or some other community hub, the mods and other users generally like to help out and give advice + opinion+insight about addons you would like to use, if you ask nicely.

3. In regards to staying safe, you can always disable auto updating your addons, so you dont get anything pushed onto your system, without your consent.  And of course what i said at 2) can be applyed to versions of addons.

New member

Would highly recommend Tab Wrangler. It is open source and very popular on that "other" big browser. Been using it for years, my browsers would be a mess without it.