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New member
Status: New idea

It would be nice to have a better analysis for the add-on. So user know if an add-on which was bad is now improve and worth to give it a try or vice versa. It also offers some extra protection, to trace the downloaded graph of an add-on over a period of time.


These are the graph needed. All of them should be compared against dates and version.

1. Ratings

2. Ratings of Review

This is also rating but extract only the rating that user leave a review. People doesn't like to comment normally on these things, so these rating from user willing to leave a comment is probably more valuable. Either the add-on causing too much trouble, and they are furious about that, or they really like it and show appreciation, or they see the potential and like it, but there is some improvement they have to bring it up to make it even better.

3. Review

4. Downloaded

1 Comment
Status changed to: New idea
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