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Status: New idea

Hello, these Independent Voices are certainly nice, but I want to set my own independent color (for example, some cyan, any RGB) or a photo with a creeper (to feel the simpler times).

And at the same time, I want the Firefox logo on the main screen to adapt and, if necessary, turn black so it doesn't blend in with the wallpaper.

In Waterfox, this is not fully implemented, and the logo text does not change color, as I understand it.

I believe this is one of the small joys that will significantly make the world better and more orange.

Please don't merge it with that idea with 0 kudos; its title seems not entirely obvious to me.

Status changed to: New idea
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Familiar face

Excellent idea, Tilwiti. Yet, would you agree that it can be optional? For instance, certain users subscribe to third-party wallpapers, instead of displaying their own. Could the wallpaper display from selected \storage\emulated\#\ folder, like BlackBerry's? Best of luck for this idea.


@majesticmini471I think it would be good to make this optional, and actually have the idea of a kind of periodic wallpaper contest, maybe with coverage on Reddit, but voting here. Winning wallpapers offered to those who subscribe to updates.

Or a collection of wallpapers on Unsplash, curated by someone on the design team.

In any case, a selection of wallpapers from the folder should be included, with regular changes if desired.

It will be a success if we even get the ability to change the wallpapers to our own, thanks for your interest.