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Making moves
Status: New idea

Filtering out a single email address with "Match all of the following" in combination with "Age in days" "is greater than" works fine, if you are wanting to move certain emails after so many days to the Bin for instance.

There is a bit of an issue if you have a list of email addresses in your filter with some logic operations.

The problem is that with multiple email addresses, in the one filter, you need to use "Match any of the following",  which in combination with "Age in days" "is greater than", does the filter operation on EVERYTHING in your email account, not just the email addresses listed in the filter.  Therefore you can accidentally delete all of your email rather easily!!!!!!

Obviously this problem isn't an issue if you separate each email address into its own rule. Unfortunately this creates an huge number of filters to be created.


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Status changed to: New idea
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