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Making moves
Status: New idea

I have these functions to block sender and report Phishing in Outlook. I want to have these in Thunderbird and the email client I use every day.

tenho essas funções de bloquear remetente e relatar Phishing no outlook .desejo ter essas

no Thunderbird e o cliente de e-mail que uso todo dia.

Status changed to: New idea
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2 options could be interesting for thunderbird

1 : the possibility of blocking a mail adress directly in thunderbird

2 : the possibility to modify an email received


New member

Email Sender Blocking

Due to the way Scammers and hackers are able to obtain almost any email address these days and send you who knows what, within an email, the function to be able to block an email address is really essential.

It is not enough that we receive an email and be able to delete it with filters and so on, the offending emails need to be stopped completely from entering the system.

New member

Yes, we eagerly waiting for simple one click blocking option for sender.

New member

This is an absolute necessity.  The  current manual method of blocking each email individually is too tine consuming as I get hundreds every day.  Blocking does not work in all cases.  Why is that?

New member
I miss the easy way to block emal senders.
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(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

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New member

Wenn man mit einem Klick einen Mail-Absender sperren kann, dann wäre Spam bald beendet!
Diese dabei entstehende Sperr-Liste sollte man auch ändern können, das wäre toll und würde Thaderburd berühmt machen. Schön wäre, wenn das auch die APP könnte


If you can block an email sender with one click, spam would soon be over!

The resulting block list should also be able to be changed, that would be great and would make Thaderburd famous. It would be nice if the APP could do that too

