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Making moves
Status: New idea

HTML support needs to be added to composition in K-9 mail/Thunderbird android, to allow text formatting, changing fonts, text colours, strike-through, bold and everything else that would be possible from added html support in the compose window.

Also, allowing HTML in the signature would be useful.

I'm surprised this hasn't already been added

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

I often want to paste an image in the middle of a sentence,

so this feature is much appreciated!

New member

HTML signatures are one of the main things keeping me from using Thunderbird as my primary mobile email client. I need properly formatted signatures for my work addresses (hyperlinks in particular), and unfortunately that's only possible with HTML/rich text.

New member

Hi, Recently installed Thunderbird in my android, I would like to know where, how of any useful information to start contributing code to the app, I would like to use HTML signature as in my Thunderbird desktop so, I think I can contribute to make this happen in the android version, I'm android developer.