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Status: Delivered

Please, work with nVidia to add support for RTX Video Super Resolution in Firefox. Nearly 80% of internet bandwidth today is streaming video, and 90% of that content streams at 1080p or lower. Many of us use displays with resolutions higher than 1080p, and Firefox uses basic upscaling techniques, which result in final images that are soft or blurry. PC users also sit close to their screens, which makes the quality of upscaling even more noticeable, and is a good argument for a higher level of processing and refinement.

I prefer to use Firefox for everything I do, but I now feel torn because the difference is so noticeable, and I stream a great deal of video. Again, please, reach out to nVidia and work with them to implement support for RTX VSR. It really makes a difference, and would eliminate any inclination I might have to use a different browser for streaming video.

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New member

i second this and also would really like to see support for nvidias video super resolution

New member

Yes! Definitely want RTX VSR-support in Firefox.

Strollin' around

this is indeed a much wanted and needed!

Strollin' around

yeah. not doing this would be like everyone else getting indoor plumbing while taking care of business in a hole dug outside with a stick.

Strollin' around

This is such an important and surprisingly good feature, and with this for now only being available on chromium browsers, it's severely crippling firefox in terms of being able to compete

New member

I have actually started using Edge for video consumption just because of this, would love to see VSR supported.

New member

yeah please do this. i dont want to use Edge or any other chromium browser

Strollin' around

Completely agree. This is a feature that needs adding. Edge and chrome both have this embedded since VSRs release from Nvidia.

New member

I left Firefox because the video playback is terrible terrible very very bad. I must admit that this year they have improved, but still there is a long way to go. things I can't do in Firefox: use study platforms where video calls are made or there is a video class, use YouTube in a quality higher than 480, watch newspapers or networks like twitter that complement the information with videos.
What can I do with Firefox: bank procedures, enter pages that are only for reading, use web office automation.

At the moment I don't know the reason for the problem, what I do know is that video playback is very bad on old home computers, and on current low-end computers too... and neither Safari nor the Chromium family have this problem.

This year I have returned to Firefox after many years because I have noticed a slight improvement in this aspect: everything else is going great.

Strollin' around

Yes, please! It is such a neat feature, and the lack of it has forced me to use chromium-based browsers for video consumption 😞
Btw, did you know it also works on twitch? 🙂

New member

agreed I switched to chrome for now as the diffrence is amazing.

Strollin' around

this idea sounds great!