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New member
Status: New idea

Hi Mozilla team,

I recently switched to Mozilla from a Chromium-based browser and have been enjoying the experience so far. However, I find myself really missing an eraser tool for the PDF viewer, especially when I'm using my notebook with a pen.

While the delete function for annotations is helpful, having an eraser would make things much easier for users like me who frequently make freehand annotations. For instance, when I'm taking notes or marking up documents, it's much more convenient to quickly erase mistakes with a pen rather than navigating to the delete button to delete them.

This feature would be really beneficial for mobile and tablet users. Implementing an eraser tool and possibly adding pen eraser detection would be great for pen-enabled devices.

Thank you for considering this enhancement!

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Making moves

+1 for this idea

New member

please make this happen, so i dont have to use microsoft edge for that

New member

I would also like the eraser. It's crazy to have a PDF editor without an eraser option.

Strollin' around

Firefox is my favorite PDF viewer on Linux, specifically because I think it has the best editing capabilities. However, I still sometimes miss Microsoft Edge because of Firefox's lack of an eraser. It would be awesome if what is drawn stayed as it is, without borders or a trash icon in the corner. An object eraser could simply erase it.

New member

PDF Editor


I'm not sure if this idea has already been suggested, but I would love to see an improved PDF editor. It depends on how feasible it is, but having an eraser tool would be great. One issue I’ve noticed is that when writing a lot with the pen tool, everything is treated as a single large object. This means you can’t delete individual parts but have to remove everything at once. Additionally, if you want to write something in a specific area, the existing object often blocks it.

Best regards

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Yes, we need this for yesterday!

New member

I prefer mozilla to edge but without this feature I think I might have to go back to edge 😞

New member

Would love this.

This is the only thing keeping me from abandoning Edge (Edge does this pretty well, so just copy them).