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Making moves
Status: New idea

Right click > Translate page

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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Making moves

This is certainly a very nice feature.
A GUI would be needed in the settings manager so that the target languages could be set better.
For example, I from Germany with German as my native language would like two languages:
- English
- German

So the simplest solution is certainly to set a primary language in the Settings Manager.

This should be freely adjustable because, for example, the Firefox beta is only US and you would get an incorrect entry.

New member

Firefox translator (the right click)


It will be very useful to have the possibility to use the right click on a website page to have translate the page in your language preference. Like you in the other navigator chrome, edge...ect . Because now you need to go on the adress bar click on the translate icon and click on translate the page but it will be faster if you just have the right click like also other translator extension in firefox. It will be very usefull to have that for the official firefox translator.

Thank you

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)


Note: it is possible to force the translation of a web page through the Firefox main menu (there is a translate page menu item, right before "zoom").

We are working on right-click translation, but that's going to be for selected text rather than the whole page.

Strollin' around

Right-Click Context Menu: Translate to <default language>

The reason why it's needed is that Translations automatic detection doesn't work all the time. For example, Twitch streams with languages other than English. In those cases I have to go up to the hamburger menu in the top right, select 'Translate page...' and manually select both languages.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)