... and most of us know that very well. But currently we only get a limited way of showing our love, based on the terrible way Mozilla organizes user donations/contributions.
Add an a way we can define for what a donation should be used (Firefox:*, Firefox:Desktop, Firefox:Mobile, Thunderbird, Mozilla Connect, ..., Charity, ...) ... Hey, not all Mozilla does gives me a good vibe. I want to support the developer actually producing something. Not the ones thinking about f* users over, by selling our data, providing to 'WeAllKnowWhatSearchEngine' a scapegoat to escape monopoly charges, ...
Provide a way to donate via Bank transfere ... why should we pay unnecessary transfere fees to third parties, when we could use something way more simple and with an open standard.
Use your products to advertise product specific donation options ... make it simple, make it fast, dont overdo it! Ones a month is ok. Maybe suggest something like 1$/month/project ... add a link to a page explaining the expenses on a product/project basis.
Dont get greedy and suggest a high amout (20$/€/...). Suggest an amount most of us can spare, this will acquire more supporters, ditch these shady deals with google, pocket, ... Democratize Mozilla again, and people will come!
Participation volontaire de 10€ pour soutenir Firefox
En regard du procès pour position dominante en cours, et afin d'anticiper des couts qui pourraient handicaper la fondation Mozilla, il faudrait proposer sur la page vierge du navigateur la possibilité de verser 10€ simplement et expliquer au client que c'est une façon d'exprimer son choix de choisir Firefox plutot qu'un autre produit...
In view of the ongoing trial for dominant position, and in order to anticipate costs that could handicap the Mozilla Foundation, it would be necessary to offer on the blank page of the browser the possibility of simply paying €10 and explain to the customer that this is a way of expressing their choice to choose Firefox rather than another product...
I know Mozilla Corp. struggles with funding. It would be nice if there was a way to donate to Firefox directly without the money being spent on extraorbitant CEO salaries. I would really like to support the Firefox Team and it's development. I don't want to live in a world where there are only Chromium browsers.
I would also like to add that the donation page for each project, (eg FireFox, Thunderbird) needs to have a target.
Having just an open ended donation page without a budget associated with it doesn't provide any information to donors regarding how well the drive is going. Giving donors this information (and as up to date as possible) puts donors in a position to understand the position of the project so that they can make an informed decision whether they need to consider doing more, like increasing their donation, or if promoting the project to their own social media communities.
I would recommend that money provided from other sources, eg Google's contribution, should also be represented.