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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

The one killer feature Safari on a Mac has that keeps me from fully embracing Firefox is its integration with Messages for two factor security codes sent via text. In Safari, you don't have to jump over to Messages to copy and comeback to paste the code into the field. A box drops down under the field you can click on to autofill the code right there on the webpage.

Does Firefox have this ability somewhere or are there plans to add it soon? I seem to have read that Apple allows third party apps to add this integration since Big Sur.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

This feature is already present on my Samsung phone. It's very handy. I agree with autigers1970. 

Strollin' around

There are extensions to do so on desktop

Strollin' around

Trustworthy ones?  I know I can trust Firefox.  Extension devs are a mixed bag, especially when it comes to something security related like this.

New member

I agree with autigers1970.

As the 2FA method is used more and more, the implementation in Firefox would really be an important and right development.


New member

@Inee: "There are extensions to do so on desktop"

Where can I find those?


Strollin' around

For the coders: all it takes is setting the NSTextContentType property of the NSTextContent object of the corresponding text field to NSTextContentTypeOneTimeCode, see here. I am not familiar with the Firefox codebase, but someone who knows their way around it should be able to add this in literally a few minutes...

New member

I would also love to see this feature for Firefox

New member
New member

> There are extensions to do so on desktop

Are there? I can't find any. I don't believe you.

New member

This is the only reason I use Safari as my primary. Or at least the most significant reason.

New member

I agree with all the above as well.  I would use Firefox 100% of the time if it had this feature built in.

I too have faith in Firefox but not so much for EVERY extension developer.

I try to go for other 2FA options, but many sites still have where it will only text a code.

New member

+1 for the idea.

For those looking for a workaround for the time being, I use this workflow for Alfred. It's not quite as seamless as the native Safari implementation but it's close. Would be great to have it built in to Firefox though, and obviously an Alfred workflow isn't a good solution for everyone.

New member

+1 for this idea. Like some others this is the sole reason I stick with Safari as the main browser.

New member

The lack of this feature is why I can't use Firefox as my default. Would love to switch over if implemented.