02-28-2025 03:35 PM
On Wednesday we shared that we’re introducing a new Terms of Use (TOU) and Privacy Notice for Firefox. Since then, we’ve been listening to some of our community’s concerns with parts of the TOU, specifically about licensing. Our intent was just to be as clear as possible about how we make Firefox work, but in doing so we also created some confusion and concern. With that in mind, we’re updating the language to more clearly reflect the limited scope of how Mozilla interacts with user data.
Here’s what the new language will say:
You give Mozilla the rights necessary to operate Firefox. This includes processing your data as we describe in the Firefox Privacy Notice. It also includes a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license for the purpose of doing as you request with the content you input in Firefox. This does not give Mozilla any ownership in that content.
In addition, we’ve removed the reference to the Acceptable Use Policy because it seems to be causing more confusion than clarity.
Privacy FAQ
We also updated our Privacy FAQ to better address legal minutia around terms like “sells.” While we’re not reverting the FAQ, we want to provide more detail about why we made the change in the first place. Check out the full blog post to read more.
03-02-2025 11:25 PM
Don't even bother trying to walk it back now.
Your name is in the gutter and it will stay there.
03-02-2025 11:32 PM
So you're claiming that "Mozilla doesn’t sell data about you (in the way that most people think about “selling data”)"
"the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) defines “sale” as the “selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer’s personal information by [a] business to another business or a third party” in exchange for “monetary” or “other valuable consideration.” "
Which is exactly how most people would describe selling data, so what have you been "selling" to who that NOW falls under this "new" definition?
03-03-2025 03:07 AM
I demand a clear return of the assertion of "not selling" our data. It's non-negotiable. Otherwise, don't pretend to have a community anymore.
Signed: A loyal Firefox/Thunderbird user and influencer.
03-03-2025 03:11 AM
It all depends on how many users Firefox loses, I think. If the loss is in the 10 percent range, Mozilla will not explain anything to you and will simply ignore you.
However, a user loss of 30% or more will force Mozilla to reconsider its policy, and perhaps Mozilla will start explaining something.
03-03-2025 04:15 AM
I've been reading lots of users' comments. Many people have already switched browsers. I am also now researching for the best FF replacement, thanks to community suggestions. After all these years...
You become greedy, your greed destroys you.
03-03-2025 04:18 AM
I switched to Brave. Yes, the Firefox community doesn't like Chromium-based browsers. But Brave reminds me of early Firefox in the way they listen to the community.
03-03-2025 11:27 AM
I switched to Fennec F-Droid on mobile and will be switching to Waterfox on desktop as soon as I have some time to do so.
03-03-2025 04:47 AM
Don't sell our data ever. I don't want AI. I just want to watching silly internet videos and share it with my friends.
If you break the promise to not sell our data, people will leave. True not all of them but you will lose life long users.
03-03-2025 10:24 AM - edited 03-03-2025 10:27 AM
I chose to support Mozilla by subscribing to its VPN service. I canceled that subs. a few days ago.
It's sad to watch ensh*tification corrode Mozilla. There's so much good that's come from this effort.
03-03-2025 11:26 AM
Far too little, far too late. It's an improvement in the same way that a house fire is an improvement over a forest fire: sure, it's way smaller, but there's still a lot of damage, it still ruins lives, and there's no reason it couldn't grow to become a forest fire anyway.
As I noted last week, for as long as this policy is in place (and as long as the Mozilla leadership shows no interest in understanding our concerns), I'm going to be moving to a fork for both desktop and mobile.
This is remarkably sad. I'm very disappointed in this turn of events.
03-03-2025 01:03 PM
I might be a bit late about this, but I'm no less concerned.
The fact of the matter is that even with these updated terms, I can't in good conscience continue to use Firefox or any Mozilla product for that matter. I have already migrated my main system to one of the many forks, but all my other affected systems will follow. Additionally, I will be migrating the family members I steered towards Firefox, for these changes have destroyed the reason I recommended it in the first place: Privacy. I know Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge have similar policies, but the lack of these policies is the very reason I was using Firefox.
I echo the sentiment many have given here and want to add that at least from my perspective, I will not migrate back unless serious steps are taken to rectify the issue and reinstate my trust in Mozilla, should this even be possible.
The changes I'd like to see include:
I spent a sizable chunk of my day reading through this thread as well as https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/information-about-the-new-terms-of-use-and-updated-privac... and the message sent by your users as well as myself is very clear. I'm all for Mozilla being financially viable, but there is simply no use in it if it means abandoning all principles Mozilla and Firefox once stood for. There must be another way and I do hope you find it. Until then I must say that all my trust in Mozilla has been lost and that I will avoid Mozilla's products going forward.
03-03-2025 01:18 PM
The entire reason that I used Firefox, is that for years you claimed you Will Not sell my Data. I felt protected. It said right there on the FAQ, "we don't sell your personal data", and now it doesn't say that anymore. I am not comfortable with you using a "nonexclusive, royalty free, worldwide license to use my information" My content does not belong to you. I will no longer be using Firefox due to these changes, as there are now other, better options like Ladybird. You should rollback these changes that you have made if you want to keep your userbase.
03-03-2025 01:41 PM
Hey all,
Please continue sharing your feedback, voicing concerns, and asking any questions you have—we are continuing to monitor the discussion—but please remember the Community Guidelines when participating here and across Connect. Several comments have been flagged/reported and ultimately removed, including some that have veered off the main topic.
Thank you.
03-03-2025 02:08 PM
I think I will be banned for my boldness, but the community does not want to "monitor the discussion", but some actions.
I read all the messages in this thread, and as I understand it, the community wants the following:
1. Stop selling data and return "we do not sell your data and will not sell, it's a promise". This point is really important, it's like a flag on your new logo. Only a flag on a logo makes sense for Mozilla's board. And "we do not sell, it's a promise", this is the flag under which the community has advertised you everywhere for decades, this is the flag under which the community has been your personal loyal army.
2. If there are problems with funding, turn to the community for donations.
Since over the years of funding from Google, Mozilla has stopped discussing its actions with the community and has generally destroyed cooperation with the community, a possible solution would be
1. Temporarily suspend the changes that Mozilla plans to make
2. Start restoring trust with the community. Transparently tell how Mozilla plans to monetize user data, publish the texts of contracts with third parties, talk about other plans to monetize the community. That is, reveal everything that was discussed by management behind closed doors, and what was reported to the community in the style of "These aren't the droids you're looking for.", that is, "this is not the data sale you thought about."
Because so far everything looks like Mozilla management is just trying to wait until the community stops whining. And then push through the planned changes in order to receive management salaries all the time while Mozilla continues to sink.
03-03-2025 02:16 PM - edited 03-03-2025 02:22 PM
I look like a loyal Firefox fan, and I have been for many years, since about 2002. And I will go back to Firefox if Mozilla does something right (this is not accurate).
I hope it happens before Firefox goes bankrupt and is bought by the Chinese.