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My personal opinion on Mozilla's future plans

Making moves

My personal opinion on Mozilla's future plans

1. Mozilla has a huge intangible asset, a community of people. This community spent its time and money promoting Mozilla products. This community was Mozilla's evangelists.

2. Mozilla also had a huge financial asset, which was money from Google. Google paid huge amounts of money to have Google search.

3. Now the money from Google will no longer come, and the Mozilla board was thinking about another source of income. Such a source of income should be advertising in Firefox and the sale of Firefox user data. Mozilla is not going to abandon these plans, because everything has already been agreed with a third party and contracts have already been signed.

4. It is very interesting that Firefox did not turn to its huge intangible asset, a community of loyal users, for help. I think the reason is that during the entire period of Google funding, certain changes have occurred in Mozilla.

4.1. Mozilla has distanced itself from the community, stopped reporting to the community, and stopped coordinating its future plans with the community. This, for example, was clearly shown by Mozilla's rebranding. The previous rebranding took place with the active participation of the community. The last rebranding... the community was simply presented with the fact that Mozilla has a new logo, and no one reported on the costs. How much money did you give for the rebranding, hey Mozilla?

4.2. Mozilla is actually afraid of the community and afraid to report to the community, because part of the funds from Google went to meaningless projects. I read Mozilla's blog about the Ecosia collaboration, about black girl gamers, about Palestinian oil, about 20 years of Ecuadorian flavors in Chicago, about the West African diaspora, and a lot, a lot about artificial intelligence. What will the community say about this? The community will say, "I wrote about tab grouping many years ago, and you've done tab grouping in years?" There are a lot of community requests that were ignored. There are a lot of community requests that were implemented extremely slowly. But the integration of artificial intelligence, which the community didn't really want, happened instantly. The Ecosia collaboration happened instantly. A lot of things that the community didn't want happened instantly, and Mozilla is afraid to report it. And Mozilla is afraid to report to the community, because the community will ask "why are you writing about Palestinian oil, WHERE IS THE GROUPING OF TAB, YOU HAVE BEEN GROUPING TAB FOR YEARS?!?!?!?!"

5. Mozilla and the community used to be allies. The community was Mozilla's loyal army for decades, and won victories for Mozilla. Now Mozilla is thinking about how to most profitably sell its community, and the community is preventing it. The community does not want to be sold. Mozilla masks the phrase "sell the community" under vague legal terms. The community is trying to get clear wording. Mozilla is inventing new vague wording. But we know that Mozilla is selling the community. The king had an army that won victories for the king. But the king needed money, and the king sells the army.

6. Selling community data won't lead to the complete death of Mozilla, I think. Mozilla knows this, and Mozilla's goal now is to:
6.1. Don't mention the data sale anywhere and hide behind vague legal terms.
6.2. Wait until the community calms down.
6.3. Of course, some of the community will be lost. Mozilla already has a forecast of how many users they plan to lose due to the policy change. I think it's less than 20%. Somewhere in the region of 3% to 12%, I think.

7. Mozilla has no forecast of a sharp decline in Firefox's share due to the loss of competitive advantage. Mozilla also has no plans to increase Firefox's share. And Mozilla has no policy of development and conquest of the world. Mozilla just wants to find a source of funding and publish articles about Palestinian oil.