The problem isn't with FireFox, but with certain web sites. Either (1) the site owner has fixed their code, or (2) you aren't visiting the offending page anymore.
I don't think anybody has figured out yet why it happens, and under what conditions. I had the problem for a couple of months back in early spring, and then it went away as mysteriously as it came.
Activity Monitor shows one instance of 'FirefoxCP Isolated Web Content' for each tab that's open. Right now, I have six tabs open, and six instances running, and each is using 300-600 MB of memory. I believe that this is, essentially, the page con...
Same issue here, M1 mini with 8GB RAM, and between Firefox itself (1.35 GB) and FirefoxCP (1 GB) I'm using up about a third of my RAM just for the browser. I have other apps open (MS Word, Preview, Thunderbird) and can barely get anything done witho...