I am still waiting for the Update or not choice to be put back in. Would be nice if they allowed us to selectively pick which ones we want, and which ones to never ask about again. But it seems the most high developers think we are too stupid to choo...
In regards to updates about maybe 1% are security fixes, the rest are some functionality garbage for Mac, and cheese machines from what I have seen. And then there was that all importantly one to remove mail.ru from the list in order to I am guessing...
But they should address the elimination of the option to not update at all. Something the the FF developers seem to be tone deaf too. If I feel I need to see if I need to update, then I can check, but the constant badgering for non-essential updates ...
When do we get the update that allows us to choose when, or if we update at all without being pestered 20 times an hour to do it. I mean this latest one to virtue signal over the Ukraine BS. Really!?Most of the updates I note are for IOS a majority o...