I agree with @jammet Manual is good for certain use cases, but automatic handling is what makes grouping truly useful. Most of the time I don't collect tabs, instead use them temporarily. If it's exclusively manual you have to factor in and consider ...
I'm actually not a huge fan of the Chrome group style where you set the color and write a name and so on, this is because for me webpages are very malleable/dynamic, closing and changing all the time. I would rather have an automatic system where the...
However this feature is implemented, please make sure there are there are two types of ways to group, by workspace (aka by window, like SimpleTabGroups), and the other by tabs themselves (like chrome etc). Also there should be a quick way to switch t...
Instead of manually sorting the tab groups and naming them which is kind of tedious, why not have the tabs automatically generate a group based on if the user opened a new tab from within another tab. Basically it retains the hierarchy, but makes the...