A thought... When you right-click on a mail message, in the menu that pops up is there anyway that you would consider moving "delete message" up the list? Maybe add it to the bottom of the "Open message in.." section?
Not as such. But the delete option is so far down the menu that it is hard on the hands and fingers (I have bad hands, arms, joints and all) that I'm just having to curl and move my hands all the time. I use delete alot, I also do multiples (witch delete (all) is closer to the top of a shorter menu). Don't feel to bad, Windows has the same issue with it's rename and delete commands as well. I use a lot of keyboard but still need alot of mouse as well.
There are alot of dynamic "menus", like tabs, add-on bar, couple other places. Is it possible at all to make a "normal" menu dynamic? Be able to move around the options to fit our needs? As far as I can remember I have never seen it done.
Part of the problem is the excessive line spacing on Thunderbird's menus. Why does the rt click menu have to take almost the whole height of the screen? This should be set to something reasonable or made adjustable, as well as having some control over menu contents.
I have always used compact, but that doesn't fix the extremely relaxed line spacing in the rt click and drop down menus. Why are the menus so much longer than anywhere else in Windows? It would be easier to use if the lines were normally spaced.
Is there a way to customize the menu described in this thread, Settings/Config Editor ? As an example, I would like to change the order of the options and not have "Move To" and "Copy To" next to each other.