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Making moves
Status: In development

In most browsers the share button is openly displayed on the website you’re visiting. Either in the toolbar beside the back, forward and tab buttons like in safari. Or beside the address button like in chrome.


 but in firefox, to share something to a friend or colleague, you have to go in to the browser menu to find the share button. I think it would be better to display that button openly, it doesn’t matter if you do it the safari way or the chrome way. Just display it so everyone can find it.

Making moves

Why is the share button hidden in firefox ios?

Why is the share button hidden in firefox ios? In most browsers the button for sharing things is either in the toolbar together with back, forward and so on. Or beside the address and reader view buttons. But here in fx if you want to share an article, a recipe, a video etc. with a friend, you have to go into the browser menu and scroll down. Wouldn’t it be better to place the share button more accessibly? 

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

Making moves

Agreed. Voting for this to be implemented

Making moves

+1 please add

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

This is being worked on...and is actually already available in Firefox iOS Beta 133 as an experiment. To learn more about the new toolbar and menu redesign, check out this post:

Mobile glow-up: meet the new Firefox iOS Toolbar and Menu 


New member

The share button is also needed as an optional toolbar item for Firefox for MacOS.


Making moves

Having the share button available is long overdue. It’s not only for social sharing. It is also to add/save links to any other service in your system: Notes, read-later apps, save to cloud locations, print as pdf, email…