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Status: New idea

A recent Firefox Android update made it so that bookmarks and bookmark folders are now automatically sorted by date created (or used, perhaps?), most recent first. From what I can gather from this bugzilla report (, this was a deliberate design change.

This change is extremely detrimental to the way I use bookmarks. I have hundreds of them, all neatly organized into folders and subfolders and ordered precisely how I want them. I absolutely do not want Firefox to arbitrarily override this ordering.

Previously, when syncing bookmarks from the Desktop browser, Firefox Android preserved the ordering of bookmarks. It was possible to sort bookmarks as you liked in the Desktop browser, and this would carry over to mobile. The only way to restore this behavior at the moment is to access the Secret Settings menu and toggle off the Enable Compose Bookmarks flag.

Please add an easily accessible (not buried in developer settings) option to disable this automatic sorting and restore the previous behavior.


Instructions for disabling automatic sorting currently:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Tap on About Firefox
  3. Tap on the Firefox logo 5 times to enable developer settings.
  4. Back out to the main settings menu, scroll down to Secret Settings, and tap on that.
  5. Find the 'Enable Compose Bookmarks' toggle and turn it off.
Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

So it was this!!! Thank you bvanmater, it was bugging me too!

This is intolerable and is gonna mess with precisely the people who uses bookmarks the most. Please fix it.

New member

Yes please, I thought this was a bug. I don't really understand why anyone would want this, or if they do why not make it optional indeed. Sometimes of course having the newest up top is nice, but I assume most people have a system instead of just a random list going on - which gets destroyed now.