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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

This is literally the only thing that keeps me from switching to Firefox. Please add tab groups!

Making moves

I would love to see tab grouping back in Firefox. It's been a game changer for me in Vivaldi and Brave. It allows me to clean up my tab bar and keep pages where I can find them quickly.

New member

It seems like a lost cause at this point, but this feature would be INCREDIBLY useful for me. When I used Chrome, I liked that the groups were in the tab bar because it saved space, while also keeping them visible. But with Simple Tab Groups or any of the other extensions that show tab groups in a dropdown, I know I would immediately forget the groups existed.

I currently have 134 open tabs, across 7 windows, and it's very hard to navigate without being able to organize them at all. (Also, it's only as low as 134 because I had to start fresh after the hard drive on my old computer failed and I lost all data last December. If that hadn't happened, I'd most likely be at 500+ tabs across 10+ windows, as I usually am.)

Please don't abandon this idea. I switched to Firefox because it was privacy-focused, open-source, and everyone told me it was just as good as Chrome. I've found that to be true in most cases, but this is a glaring exception.

New member

some people need to understand that you can know about a feature, and it is not enough because it doesnt solve your problem. Google chrome tabs are intuitive. Its like having a desk, and putting many books one next to the other. Whenever you want, you can open or close multiple books. All you see when its colapsed, is the front page, and it takes much less space. Simple tab groups is like stacking desks on top of each other and i really havent seen anyone doing that in real life... Furthermore, its so simple to open a new tab in the group, and move it from group to group. You dont have to click through menus as if we are in the 2000's.

Making moves

Is there any news, any information about the progress?

New member

Please, implement this much-needed feature!

Strollin' around

I don't think it is a well-developed example in this discussion, misguiding. Chrome's grouping-tabs is messy in my experience, while opened that browser back to the latest pages left opened, the groups displayed broken and I mostly had to re-group the tabs, and since then, I don't remember when was the last time I used it.

Although it needs to turn to simpler, 'Simple Tab Groups'* addon does quite a lot of the job for Firefox. Even you can archive the groups to use them anytime later.


Making moves

sync the tab groups as well

New member

Really would like to have that to. The addons out there are all to feature-rish. Chrome and Edge do that pretty well.

New member

I had to switch to edge because the amount of tabs I was using was too much to one firefox windows,  so I just use edge for that case. I will wait till firefox adds it because is my favorite browser 🙂

Making moves
Strollin' around

Yes, please! Firefox pioneered browser tabs and is now left behind by all other major browsers, as the screenshots in the original post demonstrate 😞

I'm currently using different windows as tab groups and it's a very messy workaround. I don't like Simple Tab Group's UI — and the reports of bugs making people lose all of their tabs (just look at the reviews in AMO) makes me afraid to even try it.

Making moves

@dserodioHi, I just want to let you know that I've been using Simple Tab Groups (STG) for years and I've rarely lost tabs. Also, STG has a function that automatically makes back-ups every day (or even every couple of minutes, if you want). So you can restore your previous groups of tabs at any moment, if things go wrong.

The user experience takes some getting used to, but I find it works pretty decently. There are keyboard shortcuts to quickly switch between groups, you can search for particular tabs in your tab groups, you can remove groups from working memory to speed up loading your tabs and there is a "Manage groups" view which shows thumbnails or lists of all your opened tabs. It is also possible to automatically cluster container tabs within a dedicated group.

That being said, I would love that Firefox introduces its own implementation of Tab Groups, so that add-ons like STG can use the grouping-API to further improve their experience, and to allow for things like grouping by dragging (I like the implementation in Chrome).

New member

I completely agree and am in the same boat!

New member

Criar grupo de abas

Seria ótimo se tivesse como criar grupos de Abas abertas, assim podemos além organizar as abas nomeando os grupo da melhor forma, fica com mais espaços para abertura de novas.

Sou programador e deixo aberto várias abas de diferentes projetos. Os grupo de abas iria ajudar a separar as abas por projetos.

It would be great if there was a way to create groups of open tabs, so we can also organize the tabs by naming the groups in the best way, with more spaces for opening new ones.

I'm a programmer and I keep several tabs of different projects open. Tab groups would help to separate tabs by projects.