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Familiar face
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Unlike some other users, I'm a fan of the "Daylight" update to Firefox for Android in 2020. I think the new UI is slicker and easier than the competition, but from the beginning there was always room for improvement.

For me, my biggest concern with Daylight has always been the Add-On Compatibility, or lack-therof. I appreciate how Nightly allows me to curate my own Add-On Collection to try add-ons and use ones I like, but after a year and a half since Daylight launched I feel like expanded Add-On support shouldn't be limited to Nightly, especially since Nightly is, by nature, an unstable build.

I propose two solutions to improve Add-On support on Android.

1. Port over the current Custom Add-On Collection feature as-is to either Beta or Stable (this would include hiding it as a "secret setting" behind the Firefox Logo on the About Page).

2. Curate a larger collection of Add-Ons tested for compatibility on Android that could be given their own unique badging on the Add-Ons site, and in turn installable on any Android build of Firefox.

The former-most option would be the easiest to apply for the sake of those willing to use Nightly's fix, but the latter-most option would be more user friendly, improve user participation in the Android Browser's development (by allowing users to submit recommended extensions for Android similar to how the general Recommended badging works), and free up Nightly builds for testing Extension features that have yet to be perfected on Android.


Making moves

@JackMaurouse beta or nightly and then activate collection add-ons.

Making moves

@Jonis there a roadmap or something else for this development?

Making moves

This idea is connected to your issue and might be of interest to you, maybe you link it? 

Making moves

 @KevinBrosnan can you explain this article please. I don't understand what the change is.

New member

It means that with Firefox (not only beta) you can use any add-on you want (not only current list of 10 approved add-ons).

Familiar face

Big update. Expanded Add-on compatibility is in Beta. All Beta/Nightly users on Android should check this out to see what extensions they can test and report.


Hi Folks.

Just making sure you saw our most recent update posted in our blog.

Thank you

Ed Sullivan




Sorry, just realized the previous post linked to the blog!

Strollin' around

As much as I know out of all the other Android browsers only Kiwi Browser has Extension store.

Familiar face
Making moves

@ESullivanis there any info if this system is coming to firefox focus too? I like to have ublock origin and dark reader on firefox focus too. Or mozilla needs to plant dark mode in firefox like that post is in review for a long time. I love firefox focus but my biggest downside is that i get light backgrounds on websites.


Hello @Jeppie -- I am not aware of any plans to bring this to Firefox Focus as part of the initial release.

Making moves

Suggestion for Mobile Extension Compatibility in Firefox

Dear Firefox Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to suggest the addition of a feature that allows users to add extensions to Firefox on mobile devices.

Currently, users can add extensions seamlessly on desktop and laptop versions, but the absence of this feature on mobile devices limits the full extension experience across platforms.

To enhance user flexibility, consider implementing the ability to add extensions directly through the Firefox Search App or a dedicated mobile extension manager.


Benefits of this feature would include:

1. Cross-Platform Consistency: Enabling users to use their favorite extensions on both desktop and mobile devices creates a more seamless browsing experience.
2. Enhanced Productivity: Many users rely on extensions for productivity tools. Extending these capabilities to mobile devices would enhance productivity on the go.
3. User Satisfaction: Providing a unified extension experience fosters user satisfaction and loyalty, making Firefox a more appealing choice across different devices.

Thank you for considering this suggestion, and I appreciate your ongoing efforts to improve the Firefox browsing experience.

New member

Request to the Firefox Team to test the following addons for compatibility on Android and make them available to add to Firefox Android:

  • Block Site
  • Cookie-Editor
  • | The homepage developers deserve
  • Reading List
  • Return YouTube Dislike
  • Temp Mail - Disposable Temporary Email
  • User-Agent Switcher and Manager

Quick status update on add-ons for Android:

Starting December 14, 2023, extensions marked as Android compatible on (AMO) will be openly available to Firefox for Android users.

“We’ve been so impressed with developer enthusiasm and preparation,” said Giorgio Natili, Firefox Director of Engineering. “Just a few weeks ago it looked like we might have a couple hundred Android extensions for launch, but now we can safely say AMO will have 400+ new Firefox for Android extensions available on December 14. We couldn’t be more thankful to our developer community for embracing this exciting moment.”

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