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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

Firefox is working on tab groups. However I suggest Firefox implement a slightly better version where the browser suggests to the user to automatically group their tabs when they reach a certain number of opened tabs, say 25. Edge currently has a feature called organize tabs that does something similar, but it's a button, and the action has to be triggered manually. I believe a better implementation would be to have the browser suggest to the user, to automatically organize and group their tabs when they reach a certain number of opened tabs. The user should be able to toggle the feature on and off. I believe edge uses AI for their implementation of organize tabs.

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Opera does the same with their Tab Islands. They open in the same tab groups all new tabs that come from this parent or children tabs.

Arc has a 'Tidy' feature that automatically organize tabs in groups (not folders), but their implementation is weird because it is the only way to create tab group. Otherwise, you need to pin the group in order to create a folder.

Making moves

I'd like an option to just auto-group tabs by the domain, and have a drop down on the tab to choose a particular page on the site.

Making moves

agreed this could be helpful

Strollin' around

Yeah, surprisingly the automatic sort/organize works decently well.

Should be relatively easy to implement especially with some basic AI (or custom rules for advanced users).