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Making moves
Status: New idea

Currently, this link is available on the internet to use Firefox   #desktop in the #AppImage format. In my opinion, it would be useful for many users to be able to have such #AppImage format 👉officially distributed by the Mozilla Foundation.

Vote if you agree with this idea

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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New member


I asked for the same thing seven years ago.

I'd be happy to support Mozilla to do this.

New member

free software merits AppImage builds

New member

#AppImage format should be officially distributed by the Mozilla Foundation.

It certainly should be so...




Making moves

@nexxxxenI fully agree with you, unfortunately the comments alone in this post are not enough, to reach this request the Mozilla Connect Community requires that a post reaches a certain number of votes to be taken into consideration, so I ask you and if possible get other members to vote on this idea 🤞

New member

I understand, although it is hard to see that the world continues to move based on popularity and not for common benefit, common sense or logic. I also don't understand why the Appimage format is so little used compared to other similar distribution formats (which are not that useful in my opinion). I'm not from the IT or software development field, so I don't have any known members here, although I'll look for them.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw.

New member

If you need votes here is one: A lot of developments are offering this format because although it has been somewhat overlooked it is still very useful and applicable in many ways. So, possibly, some users would jump into firefox again if they had this particular advantage 

New member

+1 for an official AppImage. There are some issues with the Flathub build, e.g. font rendering, so it would be nice to have an alternative distro-agnostic package format that would hopefully offer a more similar experience to the standard binary build.

New member


I need it also...